Thursday 18 October 2012

Little Werewolf

Halloween - it's fast approaching. The shops are full of scary props and decorations and the kids (and grown-ups too perhaps?) are looking forward to dressing up.
Here's an idea for a a quick costume you can make using my Bear Hat no 2, some imagination and a little bit of help from Youtube.

All you need is a bear hat, some white and black(mix the two to make the grey) facepaints, a steady hand and this Werewolf face-painting tutorial from Beatrice R on You tube. It comes complete with scary music and it's fabulous. I did a simpler, toned-down variation - perhaps a bit more child friendly ie. quicker - they just can't sit for too long, and managed to create my very own little monster.

Doesn't have to be a werewolf, can be a Witches Cat or any other scary creature.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Back into the woods....Bear Hat no.2

I can't believe we're already heading into Winter. Seems like only weeks since we were looking forward to the Summer.
Now the days are getting shorter and colder over here in the northern hemisphere I thought it would be nice to give you another version of my Bear Hat... let's call it an update.

Cosy Knitted Bear Hat, Bear Trapper Hat, Bear Hat pattern

This one is a slightly different fit to suit the style and a little more versatile - possibly more suitable for a boy as well as a girl, having said that, a few older girls - even women have  expressed a keen interest.

I'm sticking with the the double strand of fur/eyelash and 4ply yarn as it's such an excellent combo for cold weather  - not heavy and ultra warm, with the Trapper style flap this time, to keep those little ears cosy. Well, I say little ears - it comes in sizes up to adult. Who says only the kids should get to wear the fun stuff?

It knits up on big needles in only a couple of evenings, and makes a great pressie. There's plenty of time to start making them for Christmas.
Watch out for the 120g pack of eyelash yarn in your local UK 99p Store. It crops up every now and again  - an offer far too good to miss.

Hat can be made to order. For information contact thredHED