Wednesday 20 March 2013

Keep 'em Cosy...Girls Legwarmers

girls legwarmer, young girls legwarmer pattern, free girls legwarmer pattern, girls legwarmer knitting pattern

Okay, so it's March, and great - yes, spring is definitely on it's way, but here in the UK that doesn't really mean too much weatherwise. It can still be really quite cold. Just last Tuesday we had a corker of a day. Beautiful sunshine - a real teaser of summer days to come. It was great..everyone was to the park, tidying up their front gadens. Those of you who live in my lovely East London neighbourhood, that strange woman you saw skipping down the street - that was me. That's how chuffed I was to see the sun. .....But, and it's a big but, I did say it was a teaser. It's now damp and drizzly...and cold...we've had snow this week, and it's not forecast to warm up any time soon. Argggghhh. Just when you thought it was time to cast off those woollies. Stop right there - what were you thinking?

Even more keen to embrace the shedding of the clothes are our little ones. Now they've had a taste of that sunshine, they don't want to wear their boots anymore. There's no point replacing the tights they've already grown out of because they're not going to fit next year either. So here's a simple free pattern to cover that gap between legging and socks and to keep their little ankles cosy. Kiddies legwarmers. The simplest of patterns - knits up quickly in any DK yarn, looks great, and is a good pattern for beginners. Can be knitted on normal or circular needles - whichever you choose. The number of rows and stitches are the same - only diiference is a seam to sew up at the end, which is pretty straightforward. The pattern is to fit a 3-5 or a 6-8 yr old. See pattern for details.
 Pictured here in one of my current favourite funky fluoros.  Those colours are here to stay for a while so use 'em and abuse 'em.

free kids legwarmer pattern, knitted kids legwarmer, small girls legwarmer
This style is knitted in New Fashion DK by Woolcraft in shade 'Melon'.

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